Virtual Reality 360 / Virtual Tour - 3D external visualization Munich
Virtual Reality 360 / Virtual Tour

Virtual Reality 360 / Virtual Tour

With Virtual Reality 360 we describe a form of representation that enables entry into the world of virtual reality. This interactive presentation format gives you and your customers the opportunity to move independently within and between rooms. With VR 360 you can influence the horizon of your project / product in a self-determined manner. In this way, the viewer can move around the display object in an interactive product presentation or rotate the object himself. In addition, in the representation of a spatial environment in the panorama image, it is possible for the viewer to change the viewing angle in any form. This allows him to create an all-encompassing picture of the space around him. VR 360 is possible for every architectural project. We offer it both for the architectural visualization of interiors and for the external presentation of objects. In this way you can interactively show the green outside areas, all visible building facades and the lighting and shading situation of your building project in addition to the room design. VR 360 is possible for every architecture project. We offer it for the architectural visualization of interiors as well as for the external presentation of objects. In addition to the room design, you can thus interactively display the green outdoor areas, all visible building facades and the lighting and shading situation of your building project.


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